In the late summer atmosphere of Fleming Square we met for the first time. And after a round of sketching, the ray of enlightenment hit us.
first enlightenment
21.09.2020dates and events:
- 21.09.2020first enlightenment
- 21.09.2020start of winter semester 2020
- 10. and 11. 2. 2020meetings and assignment presentation
- 3. 2. 2020new assignments are out now!
- 16.01.2020final project presentation
current assignments:
- Litoměřice Waterfront
- Prague, VinořInner urban spaces and the open landscape
- Prague WetlandsCreating contemporary urban rainwater spaces
past assignments and projects:
- spring 2020A Cemetery Rebornpreservation of a historical Matthäus cemetery in Dresden and its conversion into a local cultural center
- spring 2020Havlíčkovo náměstí, Kladno-Švermovremodelation of an obsolete public space and adjacent park
- spring 2020Halda Ronnarethinking the countryside with coal mining history and bright future
- spring 2020Kladenské sadyseveral parks and green spaces to revive and reconnect to the city, e.g. Líšnice, Dlouhé Boroviny, Čabárna, Sítenské údolí...
- spring 2020Hutě Koněv – Ore reservoirsnew life to an abandoned structure that awaits its rediscovery
- spring 2019Dresden, Bahnhof FriedrichstadtTransformation of a railway station into a green corridor
- winter 2019Litoměřice – two facedenclosed public spaces in historical context
- winter 2019Litoměřice – lesoparkforest park Mostná hora with a lookout tower
- winter 2019Leipzig – Sluice ruinconversion and re-use of an unfinished canal residue
- winter 2019Praha – Pod Slovanypublic space around the IPR office near Slovany
- spring 2019Praha – Mala Stranarepresentative urban space and waterfront promenade
- spring 2019Praha – Kampapalace parter and prominent public space
- winter 2018Varnsdorf
- winter 2018Botič
- winter 2018Ostraufer